Disney Dreamlight Valley
Hello friends! My name is Kaitlyn or better known as the queen of cozy games; co-writer and editor of The BackLogs. Welcome to a new installment of what I would like to call, the cozy corner. Yes, yes this is probably a cliché name for a semi regular take on the latest cozy games on the market but as a 27 year old woman, that is what the majority of my backlogs consists of.
With this first installment of this series I am going to be talking about Disney Dreamlight Valley. DDV is a “life simulator adventure game” which went into early access on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Windows, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S on September 6, 2022.
DDV appears to be your typical life sim. You plant your crops, you fish your fish, you mine your gemstones. But something about this game is just a little bit different, and I’m not just talking about it being littered with 24 characters as of now from the franchise with more expected in later updates. This game has a heart felt story at its core that with every content update is getting peeled back layer by layer to keep players interested.
Now I am an Xbox girlie till I die and that is where the majority of all of my content will stream from. I am also an avid Disney adult to some peoples chagrin, but this game was everything I could want and more from a simulation game. Farming, outfit changing, characters from some of my favorite disney movies; what's not for a person to love? With the most recent update from June 7th new character Fairy Godmother was introduced to the Forgotten lands. This was a major content update with a new starpath; a reward system for completing in-game tasks which give you points to purchase cosmetics. To help solidify the backstory we have been missing from the game. Who/What is the forgotten? How did everyone on the island lose their memories? When will these stupid night thorns stop growing back no matter how many times I pick them?!
If you are a fan of having childhood revelations and nostalgia unknowingly slap you in the face then this is the update for you. From a person still healing their inner child, this was a gut punch in all the right ways. I never expected a game where you can fish for tuna alongside Merlin to cause me to do so much self reflecting yet here we are 11 days (according to my Xbox counter) into play time later.
After a long exhausting day of work one of the best feelings for me is to come home, turn on my console, and get to checking in with my friends and helping them with whatever mining or farming task is required of me. Unless it’s gathering 100 pieces of clay, I’m looking at you Moana. Being able to lose myself in tasks which don’t require much effort and can actually be fun to complete is a great way to spice up the mundane of day to day life.
This game has been an escape for me since its initial release back in september and if you are like me; stuck between being a “real adult” and being a childless millennial just looking to get that spark back you don’t even remember losing, this game is easy to get lost in.
Thanks so much for checking us out here at The BackLogs and can’t wait to check in again soon!